


Thanks for visiting my site!

As a Yoga Therapist, I provide yoga practices to promote health, well-being, and vibrant living! You can work with me through 1-on-1 in person or virtual sessions, group classes, continuing education for teachers, and virtual series.

My expertise comes from decades of specialized training and skill development. My experience is vast, and includes working with injury prevention and recovery, pre and post surgical care, joint replacements, pre and post natal care, and adaptive practices to promote positive change for each individual.

Kelly Haas welcome

Virtual Yoga Series

How I Work

The core of my work is built around Integrative Yoga Privates which can include personalized assessments, goal setting, lifestyle management, yoga therapy techniques, and consultation for yoga teachers. Each session is completely customized to best suit your needs and ability level.

I offer one weekly virtual class through Swan River Yoga in New Orleans, LA, USA – for details and registration instructions, go to my public class page.

Enjoy a few simple breathing exercises with me.

Sama Vritti Breathing

Sama Vritti Breathing

A 5-minute even breath pranayama exercise to center yourself. Try it out!
Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing

This short breath exercise will leave you feeling balanced. Enjoy!
Shatali Cooling Breathing

Shitali Cooling Breathing

Somewhat funny at first view however very useful for the hot, summer months. Stay cool!

Like these videos? Be the first to know about new series and events with me.

Podcast Features

Sama Vritti Breathing

Yoga is for All of Us


“Yoga is for us all.”

– B.K.S. Iyengar